In addition, you can play games with Ginger such as: smash bubbles from toothpaste, curl up toilet paper rolls, and play unique jigsaw puzzles. Then, you help Ginger go to bed by shower, drying the yellow fur brushing his teeth and lulling to sleep. Talking helps relieve stress when you can talk to Ginger, and listen to what a little cat tells through a super cute voice. You can happily interact with Ginger through many things: tickling, teasing, touching different parts of the cat to see Ginger’s interesting reaction. The game will amuse everyone when you help Ginger brush her teeth.

The game is great for kids, and you help Ginger with things like brushing, bathing, going to the toilet, … – familiar actions before Ginger sleeps. Unlike previous models, players will befriend a super cute orange cat called Ginger. Talking Ginger is produced by Outfit7 – the producer of Talking Tom or Talking Ben the Dog.

The game has interesting jigsaw pieces, and get ready to collect all the vivid dream pictures of Ginger. Games bring lots of laughter when you talk to Ginger, help Ginger sleep, or play games with Ginger. Enjoy your wonderful time with little golden kitten Ginger, and share fun time videos online with your friends. You can even see what Ginger dreams of at night. You will do many things with Ginger, such as talking, tickling, and playing games with Ginger. You help Ginger get ready for bed and have fun all day long. Talking Ginger is an entertaining 3D game about a golden cat, called Ginger.